Monday, September 12, 2016

Clinton's bout of pneumonia raises worries for Democrats

By Steve Holland and Alana Wise, Reuters

Democrat Hillary Clinton's bout of pneumonia, kept secret until she nearly collapsed on Sunday, has raised an element of uncertainty about her health going into the final weeks of presidential campaigning and risks feeding a narrative from rival Donald Trump about her stamina.

The Clinton campaign was forced to admit on Sunday that the 68-year-old Democratic presidential nominee had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday after she complained of allergies and was seen coughing repeatedly in recent days.

Commentary from Lynn J. Cheramie III, Founder, FFOA News Network and NOFAR

It's not pneumonia! Why the sunglasses when no one else was wearing them on a cloudy day? Why say she was overheated when it was only 81 degrees and cloudy? Why is she always wearing pantsuits that cover her from feet to chin? She is only a dying puppet! Once the puppet masters get her into office they will take over anyway, sick, dead or alive!


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