Saturday, April 23, 2016

Dishonoring General Jackson


Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

By Patrick J. Buchanan, CNS News

In Samuel Eliot Morison's "The Oxford History of the American People," there is a single sentence about Harriet Tubman.

"An illiterate field hand, (Tubman) not only escaped herself but returned repeatedly and guided more than 300 slaves to freedom."

Morison, however, devotes most of five chapters to the greatest soldier-statesman in American history, save Washington, that pivotal figure between the Founding Fathers and the Civil War — Andrew Jackson.

Commentary by: Lynn Cheramie, Founder, Freedom Fighters of America

This act is meant to dishonor him and American History. He lived in Maryland, which by the way I don't think has ever been considered part of the South. He was put on the bill because he was President of the United States and for winning one of the most crucial battles in our fight against British Rule in the Battle of New Orleans. You see if everyone knew American History they would know that this man, this Andrew Jackson fella, might have guided our future to what we are today and away from being just another colony for the British.

You can continue to dishonor American History and try to put minorities in it's place but it's all American History you idiots. You can't change the past by screwing up the future. I can safely say that Andrew Jackson is more deserving of the front of any currency than the person replacing him.


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