Tuesday, February 28, 2017

US Freedom Army

February 28, 2017

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship." Attributed to Alexander Tytler, explaining what had destroyed the Athenian Republic more than 2,000 years before.

“Charity is no part of the legislative duty of government.” James Madison


A few examples before we get into the heart of the problem:

On May 10, 1940 Winston Churchill was named Prime Minister of Great Britain following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain. Winston Churchill was the one person primarily responsible for saving Great Britain from being taken over by Nazi Germany and was rightly regarded as the savior of the British people. What was his reward? When he ran for reelection in 1945 the British people voted him out and, in a landslide victory, elected Clement Attlee, a Fabian Socialist who proceeded to nationalize large parts of the British economy. The British voters in effect said: “We won the war and suffered, now it’s time for some free stuff.”

As a condition for getting another bailout in 2012 the Greek people agreed to certain austerity measures imposed by their conservative government that were necessary to avoid a default and the certain destruction of their economy. The austerity measures caused most of the citizens some pain and so at the next opportunity they voted the conservatives out and voted in a socialist government. The socialist government removed all the austerity measures and the economy of Greece came within a week of collapsing because of having no money in their banks. Fortunately for the people of Greece another bailout was hastily restructured (the European Central Bank (ECB) is run by socialists and they hate to see socialism fail) in 2015 and the inevitable was delayed again. It looks like some time in the next year or so another bailout will be required. How long before the ECB stops rewarding bad behavior?

People always want problems solved but they want to experience no pain personally. If they experience pain they will vote out the people who gave them the pain and replace them with people who tell them what they want to hear.

At some point in time, and hopefully soon, America’s national debt will need to be addressed. If it is not addressed the subsequent rampant inflation will eventually cause massive pain. If it is addressed the pain will come from entitlement programs that will need to be cut or eliminated. Either way there will be pain. The wild drunken spending of the last 25 years (plus) will eventually come home to roost. Either way there will be pain and the people identified as causing the pain will be tossed out and the people who promise to return to the wild spending spree will be put back in power.

The problem is completely traceable to our present voting system which, as it is structured, is a recipe for disaster. This is the same voting system that has been copied by many free countries around the world and is sowing the seeds of disaster worldwide. So long as the people who take from the society have as much to say about who runs the society as the people who contribute to the society you will get trouble. In the early days of America you had to be the head of the household and a landowner to vote – not everyone could vote. While I do not advocate going back to that system some other system that gives the power to responsible citizens needs to be implemented. Voting should be an earned privilege and not a right.   

As it stands right now the socialists have the voting system exactly the way they want it and they are holding all the cards in this respect. This does not bode well for the long term future of America.

Lewis Shupe, Founder



February 28, 2017

By Anna Morris, Co-Editor, FFOA News Network

 Before we reform or "transform" health care we need to define what it is. Laws clearly define terms used within the law, so that if a disagreement goes to court, all parties and the judge know exactly what is being litigated. The Obama Care glossary does not seem to define "health care". The list of terms moves from "Hardship" (yes indeed), to "Health Insurance Marketplace". [ https://obamacare.net/ obamacare-glossary ]

     This is not surprising since Obama Care combines public and community health with what used to be individual care based on patient/doctor relationships. Now we have patient/GOVERNMENT/doctor situations supported by mandated insurance with, in some cases, monthly premiums that are higher than mortgage payments and deductibles so high the patients may have NO care. What is this mess, anyway?

     It is convenient for the far, hard left to say that without Obama Care the poor will die in the street. That's a simple concept to write on neon poster board and be packed around s by leftist women in their vagina costumes at some Social Justice Women's March. The truth is nobody has had to die in the streets since President Reagan signed off on legislation that forces hospitals to care for all regardless of ability to pay. 

     "Health care is a right," says our left and the UN. They do not mean the right not to die, untreated in the street, due to poverty. They mean complete "care" that includes sidewalk construction so people will want to exercise to "prevent" diabetes! EVERYTHING now fits into "public health" and doesn't that mean government can control every aspect of our lives? Back when Rush Limbaugh was still conservative he made a statement that Obama Care had nothing to do with health care and everything to do with enslaving a once free people--Americans.

     Five years ago I started deeply researching Obama Care just to understand frightening and horrific lifestyle rationing I had seen practiced when I lived in Oregon. (For example an unrepentant tobacco smoker was denied pain medication upon leaving the hospital following a major surgery. When did it become OK for American doctors and nurses to practice sadism?) I had a hard time understanding Obama Care until I matched the lingo in Oregon state documents with UN/WHO writings. BINGO! It is all there.

      Merriam-Webster fairly simply defines health care as, "efforts made to maintain or restore physical, mental or emotional well-being especially by trained and licensed professionals." [ https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/health%20care ] Surely this fairly simple definition could get our political efforts on health care onto a single page, followed by who pays and how? 

     If we dig into documents of a state like Oregon that is proudly wallowing in Obama Care and which helped devise parts of the massive legislation while using its citizens as lab rats in my opinion, we do not see a simple dictionary definition. We see the "Health Authority", which seems to be the new term for what used to be "Public Health", creating all kinds of plans, metrics and assessments that treat "the community" while claiming to provide "patient-centered care" to the individual. (One example of this in action has to do with people with chronic pain and narcotic pain killers. Many now consider there is too much "risk" and "burden" to the "community" if an INDIVIDUAL with chronic pain has these effective medications, because the prescriptions might be stolen or "misdirected" and end up in the hands of "children" willfully cultivating a drug habit. For the sake of "the community" the individual with very individualized pain should, as good citizens of the collective, rely on yoga, mindfulness training, meditation, psychotherapy or some other wellness gimmickery Obama Care is willing to finance. Public health meets individual care.)

       I do not find a basic WHO definition of health care but its definition of "primary care" is so broad they probably do not need to define the first term. Here is their definition, all emphasis mine:

                    "The ultimate goal of primary health care is better health for all. WHO has identified five key elements to achieving that goal:
                          >  reducing exclusion and social disparities in health (universal coverage reforms) 
                          >  organizing health services around people's needs and expectations (service delivery reforms)
                          >  integrating health into all sectors (public policy reforms) 
                          >  pursuing collaborative models of policy dialogue (leadership reforms); and
                          >  increasing stakeholder participation"  [ www.who.int/topics/primary_health_care/en/ ]

     Doesn't this sound exactly like what Obama Care is trying to do to us? "Public policy reforms" surely means medical care meets politics, with a call for "universal coverage"...er...single payer, thrown in?

     Definitions which read like political wish lists do not solve problems. Many of us are demanding FULL REPEAL of Obama Care but politicians seem to be leaning toward "repeal and replace". Replace with God knows what? Trust them because they are politicians? Not on your--or my--LIFE!

     FIRST, define "health care"! Politically speaking, does this mean illness and injury with a few time proven preventive measures included such as mammograms and colonoscopies? Or does it mean political action until the GOVERNMENT controls everything to do with our "health", cradle to grave?

     Are we talking about who pays and how moneys are collected and allocated to treat the sick and injured poor? Or are we talking about expanding the Big Government jackboot on our necks until be have a single payer system funding hospital monopoly care without second opinions?

     I suggest that funding the WHO political wish list is an expensive way to expand bureaucracy, something Obama Care has done exceedingly well. Forcing Americans to pay for it through mandated purchase of expensive, government-designed insurance called a tax by SCOTUS, is a travesty. THAT is the perfect example of what Communist Vladimir Lenin meant about making the people pay for the rope used to hang them!

     Voters are sadly lulled, believing THE PEOPLE really spoke when President Trump and a GOP majority congress was elected. Because the people spoke loudly they presume the politicians heard them. Did those elected actually hear or do they count on the ignorance of the electorate to keep on the well trod path Obama created over eight years? Keep it simple, stupid, or, keep the simple stupid? 

     Feed slogans to the simple and keep them stupid! NEVER let the voters, the victims of the Obama Care scheme, know what are the issues! NEVER define anything, just play on emotions! 

     Do politicians ask us to bleed our wallets dry to treat illness and injury occurring to the poor? Or are they using emotion concerning the poor to get us to ignorantly agree to more Big Government "health care", perhaps even single payer so everyone can die on waiting lists like our veterans do at the VA?

     Never again allow politicians to fill up a thousand or so pages with rambling thoughts, call it a "law" and demand we knuckle under and pay for it. HEALTH CARE by Webster's definition should be simple and government should not be allowed to obfuscate what is basic. Nor should government presume to invent a new, exceedingly complex definition designed to inflate bureaucracies and control people. In Obama Care, "health care" is defined by the political WHO definition and that is a basic reason why going to the doctor is now an ordeal that many times makes the patient's skin crawl.

     Utterly reject complex political blather. They intend to force us to pay for whatever scheme they devise, in the name of Social Justice, your fair share or some other emotional nonsense only liberals fall for. The politicians' simple definition will be something like, the poor have unbearable "health burdens" so we have to unmercifully tax everyone and everything, to guarantee that none of the poor suffer in the name of fairness. This mantra is the petroleum jelly that eases the pain of unlimited taxation in the name of correcting "disparities" or something else only Social Justice Warriors understand. Exactly what the hell are we paying for that keeps the poor from suffering? Under Obama Care it is a whole lot more than Webster's "health care"!




Laura Ingraham Puts On Notice Enemies From Within The Trump Gates As She...


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

US Freedom Army

The United Nations, Agenda 21, and Socialism

February 16, 2017

By Lewis Shupe, Contributor, FFOA News Network

The United Nations has evolved into a bureaucratic mess whose main goal is to work toward a world government (which they want to control) and to try to find clever ways to get money from America and use the U.S. Armed Forces to help them achieve their ends. When the United States veto in the Security Council was diluted beginning in the 1950s the United States should have left the U.N. immediately. There are numerous small nations that are members of the U.N. and pay no money into their budget (the USA currently pays about 22%) and have almost as much power as the USA. Without a complete restructuring of the U.N. to properly reflect the realities of world geopolitics the United States should exit immediately and help countries directly as the need arises without using the U.N.

During the administration of Barack Obama, the U.N. gained a large foothold in the United States and attempted to install something called Agenda 21. In this they almost succeeded. A Hillary Clinton victory in 2016 would have brought the U.N to your doorstep.  

The 6 Agenda 21 points of emphasis are:

1.         Global Warming/Climate Change
2.         Fear of over population
3.         Goal to Destroy the Free Market system
4.         Cheap Energy is the enemy of the Earth
5.         Common Core Indoctrination
6.         Government Healthcare

Agenda 21 is nothing more than an orchestrated attack on the free market system using Marxist principles to achieve the goals of socialism. It uses manufactured crises to intimidate people and to achieve control over their lives so they can be manipulated into thinking that free markets are the cause of all these problems and will accept the thinking that a world government is the only solution to these problems. Agenda 21 is Marxism in action.

Communism and socialism share the same goals and only differ as to tactics. Communists want to overthrow a government by violent means while socialists want to overthrow a government by infiltration. In free societies, a communist revolution is extremely difficult so the socialist method has been adopted to break down free market countries. The primary goal of all socialists is a world government built upon socialist principles. The fact that socialist systems always fail and always lead to dictatorship does not occur to those committed to the cause since they always believe the next time socialism will work. Socialism’s goal in a free market system is to build up the welfare state until the nation’s economy collapses and then rush in to seize control and install their socialist agenda.
You know you are hearing a socialist when he continuously (but often cleverly) plays on these themes: centralization of power; class warfare; redistribution of wealth; the evils of the free market. When you confront a socialist and tell him what he is you will hear a denial and then he will hide under another name – liberal; statist, progressive; (or whatever) – and say he is only trying to help people and make America better. In spite of what they may say, these people do not care one whit about anyone else – their goal is to achieve power and topple the capitalist system. They hate capitalism and want to see it eliminated.

A socialist world government would ultimately turn the entire world into North Korea – everyone except the people in power would be starving. A very small percentage of the American public that is militant, well-funded, politically active and committed to their cause is working hard to see that Americans lose their freedom and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.


Saturday, February 4, 2017

US Freedom Army

February 4. 2017

“The last 30 years we have lived off the future, and the bill is coming due.”  Tom Coburn, former Senator from Oklahoma

In November of 2016 my car battery died so I called AAA. They came to my home and replaced my battery and charged me $149. I decided to look up the old invoice from several years prior to see how much they had charged me the last time this happened and it was done in January of 2011 and the cost was $113. In actuality, these numbers are a reasonably good reflection of the inflation rate for the last 6 years.
This is called inflation folks! The exact same service was $36 dollars more than it was about 6 years prior. Do not let anyone, and particularly the federal government, tell you that prices are not going up. At present the rate of inflation is running at about 6% per year and, if nothing is done, this will only get worse. This is a major consequence of the national, state and local debt that is crushing this nation (see www.usdebtclock.org).
People on fixed incomes who rely almost solely on Social Security or other fixed retirement benefits are being slowly but systematically starved to death because their cost-of-living increases are not being accurately reflected in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS – or, more accurately, BS). Ask yourself, for every $113 you were receiving in 2011 are you receiving $149 now? If the answer is yes you are extremely fortunate.  
The repayment of the debt and the interest on that debt is a major problem in and of itself but the greater problem is the printing of money by the Federal Reserve to buy the debt that no one is purchasing. If nothing is done soon this problem will become irreversible and the value of money will be destroyed. The question I often ask people is what will you do when money is worthless? In my wallet I carry a Zimbabwe $100 trillion bill to remind me of where this nation is headed.

When Franklin D. Roosevelt, in 1933, through a series of Executive Orders (does this sound familiar), took the nation off the gold standard in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution (see Article I, Section 8, Part 4 of the U.S. Constitution; and see our www.usfreedomarmy.com post “To coin Money”), and instituted fiat money as the standard for America this was the beginning of the end for freedom. Your children and grandchildren will pay a terrible price for the drunken spending spree this country has been on for the last 84 years. If the U.S. Constitution were being followed scrupulously during that period many of the nation’s problems would not be with us today.
This is one primary reason the U.S. Freedom Army exists. Unless these financial problems are attacked directly and solved soon the nation will continue its financial spiral downward and the results of that spiral will be the greatest economic catastrophe in world history.
Lewis Shupe, Founder
U.S. Freedom Army   


Debunking Planned Parenthood's "3%" Abortion Myth


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